Free Personality Quiz (for new potential hires)


Hitting a plateau in your business and figuring out how to grow it usually involves adding something to it. Whether it’s new software, new hardware, or new people.

But, it get, it can be intimidating when you're considering hiring or outsourcing something.

Fear of the unknown, right?

I can say from experience, when you find the right people, your business will change and flourish. Freeing your time up to grow it even more.

A win-win for you and the people you hire!

But before going down this road, (and I can’t stress this enough), you’ll need to find the “right” people for you.

The wrong people can just as easily derail your efforts! Taking your precious time away from growing your business - to micro managing it.

And please don’t get me wrong, these aren’t necessarily “bad” people. They just aren’t the right fit for reasons such as, they have different priorities, they have different values or your personalities just don’t mesh.

None of these things are anyone’s fault.

But what I've learned (and sometimes the hard way) is that you want to make sure you’re aligned in these 3 areas before sealing the deal to work together.

I’ve created a quick Personality Quiz with 16 situational questions to help gauge whether your new potential hire has the same priorities and values as you. Helping to assess your compatibility. 

I'm making it a free download for you - for a limited time!

How does it work?

  1. Do the quiz first yourself. 

  2. Make a note of your answers. 

  3. Then compare your potential hire’s answers to your own.

How do you both measure up?

TIP: you can put these questions into a Google Form and email it to your potential hires. Everyone’s answers will be neatly stored in a Google spreadsheet for you easily review and compare.

Little disclaimer here - familiarize yourself with your state, province or country’s laws on what you may or may not ask potential hires! There are rules.

Click button below to download.

Could you do me a favour? 

I’m looking for a cool name for this personality quiz. Any feedback, ideas or brainstorms are welcome!

Reply in the comment section below!

The download will only be available for 1 week. So be sure to grab it now and let me know what you think!

Hope you have an amazing rest of your week growing your business!



P.S. Thanks for all of the replies and comments about my new website. I've successfully merged my 3 websites into 2 so far. The first website focuses on my photography services and the second focuses on education and resources for entrepreneurs and photographers. It's still a work in progress, I'm getting there!

Get aligned and clear before your personal branding photo shoot.

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