Easy Marketing tips

4 Brilliant Things You Can do Online This Weekend to Attract More Clients


Have you ever felt like your marketing is lacking? That you could be doing something more, but you're just not sure what? Do you feel like you may be missing some things in your social media, your website, or in your brand?  

I’m going to share with you 4 of my secrets to marketing that you can do THIS WEEKEND!! One weekend of work can transform your website and attract future clients.  

And.... did I mention these 4 things won't cost you a dime? 

You don't need to buy anything!

Let's jump in - here’s how:

  1. About Page

  2. Your Next 90 Days

  3. Get Personal

  4. Testimonials


Did you know that “About pages” are one of the TOP 5 most visited pages on websites? 

That’s huge! But surprisingly, most us overlook this page ... or we just throw up some generic (useless) information. Truth be told, I fell into this grey zone myself.

But once I realized this, I discovered my about page was one of the most transformative pages that pursauded potential clients to contact me or not. Why? Because, it solidified the KNOW, LIKE and TRUST factor.

Action Plan: Rewrite your about page in an interview format. List 5 questions you wish prospective clients knew about you and 5 questions prospective clients usually ask you. Now write the answers to these questions. If you find writing about yourself difficult, this is a fast and easy method to keep the tone conversational and personal.


Have you ever heard it takes 90-100 days to achieve something? This is a common timeframe we worked with - back when I worked in the corporate world.

So what do I want you to do here?

Plan out your next 90 days! Sound daunting? It really doesn’t have to be. Let me show you how easy it is (see chart below). Break it down into chunks like months, weeks and days. Think about what  you want to accomplish each month. For example, my October, November and December plan looked something like this:


Action Plan: grab a piece of paper and dot out a high level overview of who you would like to attract in the next few months. Come up with a message and share images that compliment your message with the world.

3. Get Personal

People buy from people they like. Even big brands are getting personal. Think Apple and Steve Jobs.

Be sure to sprinkle in some personal images and stories to give your brand some life. Prospective clients want to know if they’ll like you, feel comfortable with you, feel safe with you and if they’ll enjoy working with you.

On the same note, know that not everyone will click with you. But this will help in attracting the right clients and repelling the wrong ones.

4. Update your Testimonials Page

You may be thinking this is an obvious one. But when was the last time you actually updated your testimonials page?

Prospective clients want to know what other people thought and felt about working with you. Hate asking people to write a testimonial for you? (I do) Don’t worry! Look back in your emails. Have previous clients said nice things to you after a shoot? Simply send them a quick email asking if you can use their words on your website, social media and marketing materials.
It’s a win-win!

With love and gratitude and attracting more clients,


P.S. If you know someone who might benefit from this, go ahead and share it with them.


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