Will Personal Branding photography make my business more successful?


I know, we've all been asked the question: "Where do you see yourself in 5 years?"

But what if I told you, you could fast forward your 5 year plan?

The best thing about (how I approach) Personal Branding photography is that by answering questions like these before your shoot, your images will actually reflect this future version of yourself.

What do I mean?

To explain, let me share a story about my client Ashley.

Ashley completed Marie Forleo's B-School and was starting her own business. 

She had an initial photo shoot with a photographer who captured her present brand, status and level.

She told me the photos worked for her in the short-term, but she needed something that looked more professional.

She needed images that represented where her business was going... 


Make an intention when photographing your personal branding so when people see your photos they
just 'get it'.


(Not where her business was currently or where it was yesterday).

She said her goal in a few years was to work with bigger names she looked up to in her industry.

She figured she'd need to be in the industry for a few years to make a name for herself. And appear established enough for one of these bigger names to even consider working with her.

She was already knowledgable enough in her field, she just needed to look the part.

So, through a series of carefully crafted questions, before her shoot, I asked her about:

  • where she saw her future more successful self

  • what that future more successful self looked like

  • how people would remember her after meeting her or seeing her marketing

  • what words would come to mind when people talked about her

  • what she'd be rolling out in the next year

Her answers to these and other questions, laid the groundwork for her Personal Branding photo shoot.

What happened?

After Ashley's photo shoot, she had...

1. a beautiful robust media library of images she could use for all things branding online and offline.

2. her new branding photos breathed new energy into her website.

BUT the BEST part was…

3. Ashley reported being approached by some of those "bigger names" she thought would take years to be noticed by... let alone establish relationships with.

They saw her brand and knew she was the right fit - so they reached out.

Ashley literally up-levelled and fast-forwarded her goals through her visual branding.

What could have possibly taken years to cultivate, she was able to establish faster with the carefully planned, curated and styled images we captured from her photo shoot.

We all have something to offer in our own special way. The best way to show this is to be your true self. Not a copy of someone else.

Take time to think about how the future more successful version of yourself would do it.

Then make an intention for your photos so when people see them they 'get it'.

Your brand is important and special. Don't leave it up to chance.

Thanks so much for allowing me into your inbox again.

Wishing you an awesome rest of your week!

